
标题: [2010巴塞尔新款]宝齐莱柏拉维 EvoTec BigDate女装腕表 [打印本页]

作者: 爱表族官方新闻    时间: 2010-3-27 14:03:46     标题: [2010巴塞尔新款]宝齐莱柏拉维 EvoTec BigDate女装腕表

宝齐莱柏拉维 EvoTec BigDate女装腕表


宝齐莱以EvoTec自制机芯系列为基础,推出EvoTec系列首枚女装腕表 ─ 柏拉维EvoTec BigDate女装腕表,以满足现今女士们对高级机械腕表需求日增的同时,亦不忘对优雅美学风格及独立个性的坚持。



EvoTec系列第一款女装腕表 ─ 柏拉维EvoTecBigDate女装腕表,紧守EvoTec ﹝ Evolution Technology﹞ 的研发理念:以自制机械机芯为本,辅以实用功能,提升时计整体价值;无论传统或新一代时计技术均经过不断改良革新,化繁为简,以达致更具智慧及更可靠的机械技术方案,这研发方法便是品牌的「Smart SimPlexity®」 理念。


柏拉维EvoTec BigDate女装腕表配置CFB A1003自制机芯,是「Smart SimPlexity® 」研发理念的完美结晶。CFB A1003采用革命性的外缘式自动上链机芯,让机芯结构及优美修饰造工尽现眼前;机芯装置专利的避震系统﹝ Dynamic Shock Absorption, DSA﹞ ,以及双重调校系统 ﹝Central Dual Adjusting System, CDAS﹞ :摆轮及擒纵系统只须调校一次,便能稳固于最理想位置。另外,在日历运行上取得又一突破;负责操控大日历的日历齿轮中加入了活动杠杆,当日历由第31天跳至下一个月的第1天时,只有10位数的碟盘会变动,而个位数字盘则保持不变。


原创美学设计 赏心悦目
EvoTec腕表系列令人一见难忘,关键在于全部以枕形表壳设计,两款柏拉维EvoTec BigDate女装腕表亦不例外,但表壳尺寸比男装表款略小﹝ 39.2 x 38.5毫米﹞ , 表圈镶嵌56颗净度极高的美钻,表圈四边上的钻石沿表角逐渐变小,配合表壳的优美弧形线条,以突显其珠宝腕表的身价。

柏拉维EvoTec BigDate女装腕表的银色表盘上的刻度精美细致,整体简洁优雅;而黑色表盘款式则是另一心动选择,采用高级黑色珍珠贝母表盘不但光泽悦目,更镶嵌五颗钻石刻度,与表盘线条紧扣呼应。


实用功能 超卓可靠
柏拉维EvoTec BigDate女装腕表最出色的功能,莫过于其表盘左上角的双视窗大日历显示,其尺寸比一般大日历有过之而无不及;位


柏拉维 EvoTec BigDate女装腕表技术规格
型号: 00. 10628.08.23.11
机芯:自制CFB A1003自动上链机芯,直径32毫米,厚度6.3毫米,33石,动力储存55小时。
表壳:精钢表壳镶56颗TW vvs美钻﹝ 约1.1克拉﹞ ,旋入式表冠,双面防反光水晶玻璃镜面,水晶玻璃表背,防水深度50米,尺寸
38.54 x 39.25毫米;厚度14毫米。
精钢表壳镶56颗TW vvs美钻﹝ 约1.1克拉﹞ ,黑色珍珠贝母表盘镶5颗钻石刻度,漆面小牛皮表带,精钢摺扣


宝齐莱 (Carl F. Bucherer)为Bucherer Montres S.A.旗下腕表品牌,秉承着母公司近百年的独立经营之道,在华贵时计领域占一重要席位。对完美的执着是表厂孜孜不倦制作高级优美时计的动力,亦体现于表厂驾驭顶级制表技术与珠宝工艺的造诣,充分彰显宝齐莱集团(Bucherer Group)创办人Carl Friedrich Bucherer 的先锋地位及成就。

2001 年,家族经营的宝齐莱集团跨进新里程:集团决心以更现代化的营商策略,将1919 年以来的制表技术传统发扬光大,促使宝齐莱腕表品牌正式诞生!宝齐莱是瑞士中部唯一一家腕表制造商,以制作及分销高级男女装腕表为主,是母公司宝齐莱集团旗下第二项核心业务;表厂母公司宝齐莱集团至今仍然由创办人家族管理营运。

宝齐莱腕表品牌诞生后,管理团队在短时间内建立起国际性销售网络,大幅提升品牌的知名度;近年宝齐莱于侏罗山区 Ste Croix 建立了Carl F.Bucherer Technologies SA,专职自制机芯研发及生产事宜,并且于2008年成功推出旗下第一款自制机芯CFB A1000,进一步巩固宝齐莱顶级腕表制造商的定位。

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作者: lzp888    时间: 2010-3-27 20:40:41



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作者: jcbnq60888    时间: 2013-7-20 20:34:17     标题: hogan outlet Why Hire Professional Move Out Cleani

Author :
Professional move out cleaning will do a better job when it comes to cleaning your house than you can do yourself. On top of that, they will be able to accomplish this cleaning in a lot less time than you would take to clean it yourself. When you want good post tenancy cleaning, the thing to do is to hire a professional for the job.
Why hire professionals when it comes to house cleaning? The answer is simple, because this is what they do, they know how to do it faster and better than anyone else. Just as you would hire professionals to help you with other matters when it comes to letting property, you hogan outlet should also use them when you are looking for move out cleaning. Post tenancy cleaning is something that takes a great deal of time but needs to be accomplished. You will get more when you go to let the property if it is clean than you would if it is unkempt. In addition to that, you will also retain the value of the property if it is in good condition as hollister well.
You want to make sure that your property stays in good condition even if you are letting it to tenants. A lot of people worry about letting their property because they feel that those who lease it from them will not take as good of care of it as they would their own property. This is true, tenants do not usually care for property as if it were Abercrombie France Stream Hd Video their own as it is not their own. They can leave somewhat of a mess when they do decide to leave and move elsewhere. However, this is nothing that Hollister France a professional cleaning company cannot handle. They can get the house looking good again in a matter of hours. They will send in the right amount of hogan people for the job, those who know what they are doing.
A landlord will have to make necessary repairs on their property when tenants have left. It is a good idea to inspect the property after tenants have  vacated it abercrombie milano Vintage Fabric, Quilting, Sewin to see what needs to be done. In some cases, the tenant will not leave any sort of mess, however, it still needs to  be professionally cleaned for the abercrombie new tenant. This can be added as the cost that is involved in letting property. You can even ask the old tenant to pick up abercrombie milano some of this cost or all of it, depending on louboutin pas cher the Abercrombie Pas Cher type of agreement that you have.
The more you keep your house or flat cleaned, the more value it will continue to hold and the more desirable it will be for anyone who wants to live there. This is important to do because eventually you will want to sell your property to someone else. You will get more for the property if it is in good condition and is cleaned, than you would if you just let it go and do the minimum. You should use professional cleaners for the job.
Submitted : 2011-06-07 15:08:34Word Count : 557Popularity: 12Tags: Move Out Cleaning, Post Tenancy Cleaning
Why Hire Professional Move Out Cleaning
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You should use a professional company to clean the premises for you when you are having tenants come in and continue to use them with each new tenant. To find , go to London Cleaner. hollister france
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