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neverwalkalone2 发表于 2014-6-6 10:27
我给ebel美国官网发了个邮件问问看吧,还有请问下lz平时国内在什么地方保养,ebel在美国都算很小众的品牌 ...
就是表冠插不进去了走时正常,但是不防水了 本地表匠的原话是 crown is probably stripped 应该是要换表冠的意思
至今记得,当年买表的时候店员忽悠的天花乱坠,说什么: Ebel is now concentrating on women's watches, so the men's watches now have good discounts off the full retail price *****the quality is similar to that of well known brands like Breitling, Omega, or Rolex, but the price is closer to brands like TAG Heuer.